Employee Testimonials
How has their experience been?
“My experience has been great. Everyone I have interacted with has been friendly and easy to talk to.”
– Greg
“Positive. My coworkers are helpful and responsive. There was no ‘false advertising’ during the interview process.”
– Tom
“My experience at Amerequip has been wonderful. All the employees are cheerful and are willing to help at any moment needed.”
– Evan
What do they enjoy most about Amerequip?
“I enjoy the employees of Amerequip. Everyone is friendly and willing to help. I also enjoy the ‘family friendly’ atmosphere.”
– Kristin
“The culture. No one here is intimidating to talk to and they all seem to care about each other.”
– Greg
“The people & feeling like I’m part of the team & management has been very helpful.”
– John
Would they recommend us to a friend or family member?
“Yes I would. Amerequip has been great to work for, everyone is understanding of the learning curve and very willing to help.”
– Greg
“Yes, and I have been actively pursuing potential team members.”
– Evan
“I would recommend Amerequip to a friend or family member.”
– Lindsey
What have they valued most about the onboarding process?
“Being welcomed by everyone including Mike, again feeling part of the team.”
– John
“They don’t treat you like just a random person. They actually introduce you to everyone and make you feel like you are welcomed.”
– Lindsey
“Onboarding process is unique. Amerequip takes the time to set up an itinerary for each new employee and to meet and get to know fellow employees. For the first 2 weeks you know where you will be and with whom. This decreases the stress or anxiety of starting your career at a new company. Everyone is welcoming.”
– Kristin